Advantageous and of high quality

Light and heat are virtues that guide our company's idea. Therefore we offer you is as beneficial relationship between quality and price. Because we know that the investment in real estate long-term and complex case, do we run me through it with its technically advanced program in the field of furniture and quality and professionally trained staff.

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UNILUX Holz-Alu CH-6f112981


UNILUX Holz-Alu LA 2-7c388003




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Select windows and doors from our product range!


klukca All on one place windows,doors,sills,roller-blinds 
klukca High quality product with acceptable price
klukca support of our qualified and highly trained experts
klukca Efficient service, logistics and transport
klukca Sales and marketing support
klukca Satisfaction of your Customers
klukca Involvement of our employees at each level of cooperation


We are developing our sales in many countries in Europe We are interested in other markets as well. We invite companies from many countries to cooperate with Ventana beyond WINDOWS. Our goal is to assure the availability of our products to all Customers worldwide. Any questions and queries are always welcome since we take pride in sharing our expertise and experience with our clients. Please contact us to find out more.