Advantageous and of high quality

Light and heat are virtues that guide our company's idea. Therefore we offer you is as beneficial relationship between quality and price. Because we know that the investment in real estate long-term and complex case, do we run me through it with its technically advanced program in the field of furniture and quality and professionally trained staff.

V moderno opremljenih stanovanjih ali hišah notranje okenske police vedno bolj pogosto  predstavljajo tudi možnost dodatne odlagalne police, namenjene sadikam rastlin ali manjših predmetov.
Da okenska polica lahko opravlja ta namen mora biti izjemno estetska, ter hkrati odporna na poškodbe in trpežna.
Zasnova okenskih polic zagotavlja njihovo trdnost in enostavno vzdrževanje.
Njihova dodatna prednost vsebuje izjemno lahko montažo.
Okenske police so na voljo v kateri koli barvi.
Estetsko in barvno ujemajoče se pokrivalo je dodano k vsaki polici.
(ART ALUMINIUM program okenskih polic) ponuja primerne okenske police. Za vse površine. Za vsako okno. Za vsako fasado. Vse okenske police so lahko optimalen sestavni del zunanje fasade saj se lahko uporabi anodno barvanje ali toplotno lakiranje. Takšna zunanja zaščita dodatno preprečuje korozijo, katero povzročajo vremenski in okoljski vplivi.



police.: PVC SILLS :.

  • More and more frequently, interior window seals, whose surface plays the role of the additional rack, e.g. to receive flower bed plants or minor objects, are present in the modern arrangements of apartments and houses.
  • In order for the sill to play such function, it must be not only exceptionally aesthetic, but also damage resistant and durable.
  • The design of sills guarantees their stability and simple maintenance.
  • Their additional advantage includes an exceptionally easy assembly.
  • Window sills are available in any colours.
  • Aesthetic and colour-matching caps are attached to each sill.


polica_zgThe ART ALUMINIUM Window Sill Program offers the appropriate window sill.

For every area.
For every window.
For every facade.

With either anodised colouring or thermal lacquering, all window sills can be optimally integrated into the external facade. Moreover, these finishings prevent corrosion due to weathering and environmental influence.


polica_zuWindow shelves are edsigned for internal and external use. They are attested. To rock resistance to freezing and chemicals and they are available in 12 different colours. ART INVEST inc. provides 25 year quality guarantee