Podjetje Art invest Inc. izdeluje okna s pomočjo Brügmannovega sistema s petkomornimi profili. Debelina profila znaša 73 mm. Opremljen je z ojačitvami, ki zagotavljajo njegovo trdnost. Za Brügmannov sistem so značilni odlična toplotna in zvočna izolacija ter dobri statični parametri.
Moderen enokrilni okvir zaobljene oblike daje oknu popolnoma nov slog in izredno eleganten videz. Okna so opremljena z vremensko in UV-obstojnimi tesnili EPDM v sivi ali črni barvi, ki so zasnovana za okna s površino »woodgrain«.
Naše podjetje izdeluje tudi okna s sistemom Salamander 76 mm 3D.
Ker imamo na razpolago tako širok izbor profilov, lahko izdelamo okna ne samo v različnih oblikah in barvah, ampak tudi z različnimi funkcijami. Po zaslugi različnih vrst profilov nudimo izdelke po meri in za vse vrste potreb.
PVC Windows .: PROFILE :.
The Ventana company manufactures windows using the Salamander system five-chamber profiles. The width of this system is 76 mm. It is equipped with strong reinforcements ensuring its rigidity. The Salamander system has excellent heat and acoustic insulation characteristics as well as good static parameters.
A modern half-faced casement of a curved shape gives the windows a completely new style and an exceptionally elegant look. The windows are equipped with weather and UV resistant EPDM seals that come in either gray or black and are designed for windows with a woodgrain finish. In our company we also produce windows in the Salamander 76mm 3D systems. With such a wide range of profiles at our disposal it is possible for us to manufacture widows not only in different shapes and colours but also windows with various functions. Owing to this wide variety of profiles we can provide a tailored product range to meet varying needs..
Standard colour: white. Our offer includes one- or two-sided colours. Sample colours: golden oak, swamp oak, walnut, mahogany. It is possible to order windows in other colours as well – subject to individual orders.
Wooden windows
Wooden windows by itself create more beautiful and pleasant appearance of the living environment and provide a pleasant mood, feeling of warmth and comfort.
- The use of quality natural materials.
- Modern design.
- Made To Order.
- Energy-saving windows (optional gasket, glass).
- Good sound insulation (optional gasket, glass).
- Different shapes: rectangular, slanted, curved, arc, round.
- A diverse selection of accessories for windows (blinds, shades, blinds, crosses, glass, handles ...)
Ventana windows are equipped with modern locking systems, namely Winkhaus envelope fittings. These fittings guarantee even tightness of the sash and the window frame all around the window perimeter. They also ensure comfortable tilt and turn. Modern Winkhaus Autopilot fittings make the windows we produce perfectly tight as well as fault-free throughout the many years of their usage. The silver colour in which the fittings come not only confirms modern and environment friendly anti-corrosive protection, but it also enhances the esthetic look of the window.
Standard fittings in our windows include the following features:
- microventilation – tiny unsealing between the sash and the window frame to enable air exchange in the room, which is meant to help protect the windows and walls against condensation and dampness.
- anti-burglar latch– installed in tilt and turn windows – protects the sash against being forced open therefore it works as additional burglar protection.
- wrong handle position blocking system – it safeguards correct opening of the sash; it prevents tilting of the sash when it is open in the turn position.
- We also offer a range of additional fittings at individual customers’ requests.
As a standard in PVC windows, sealed double glazed units 1.0 are used since they display enhanced thermal insulation properties, where the U-value is 1,0 W/m²K. Double glazed units consist of two panes of glass, each 4mm thick, where one of them is covered with a transparent noble metal coat. This thin transparent coat allows light and solar energy into the interior. However, at the same time it prevents heat loss from the interior. The cavity between the panes in the unit is filled with noble gas that shows increased heat-insulation properties. We also offer the possibility of the following features in individual orders:
- acoustic glazed units
- safety and security glass
- solar control glass
- decorative glass
- as well as glazed units with window dividers.